- PhD Studentships
Programming Colloidal Self-Assembly for Designer Advanced Materials
A PhD studentship – competition-funded via Birmingham Chemistry Scholarships 2025 – is available in the School of Chemistry at the University of Birmingham on a project themed on designing and developing advanced materials, using high-performance computing and theory. The scholarship must start no later than 1st October 2025. Primary Supervisor: Dr Dwaipayan Chakrabarti, School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham Project description: Colloidal crystals, especially porous or open colloidal crystals, provide an exciting platform for designing soft advanced materials with tailor-made photonic, phononic and/or mechanical properties. An added advantage is that these designer advanced materials can be realised via self-assembly of colloidal particles in potentially scalable fabrication methods. The challenges involve exploring a rich parameter space for an optimal design of structure for the desired material properties and then programming self-assembly of colloidal particles into the optimally designed target crystal structure. In fact, programming self-assembly of 3D colloidal open crystals has proved elusive. The present PhD project is focused on addressing these challenges, using computation and theory in connection with recent advances in colloid synthesis. Dr Chakrabarti leads a state-of-the art research programme at the interface of soft matter and advanced materials. The Chakrabarti group has active collaborations with several esteemed research groups from within and beyond the UK, and hosts students from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Topological Design at the University of Birmingham. Dr Chakrabarti is also a Visiting Academic at Hiroshima University and a Co-Principal Investigator at the International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (WPI-SKCM2). Recent representative publications by the Chakrabarti group on programming colloidal self-assembly for open crystals and empty liquids are as follows:- W. Flavell, A. Neophytou, A. Demetriadou, T. Albrecht and D. Chakrabarti, Adv. Mater. 35, 2211197 (2023).
Programmed Self-Assembly of Single Colloidal Gyroids for Chiral Photonic Crystals
- A. Neophytou, D. Chakrabarti and F. Sciortino, Nat. Phys. 18, 1248 (2022).
Topological nature of the liquid–liquid phase transition in tetrahedral liquids
- A. Neophytou, D. Chakrabarti and F. Sciortino, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2109776118 (2021).
Facile self-assembly of colloidal diamond from tetrahedral patchy particles via ring selection
- A. Neophytou, V. N. Manoharan and D. Chakrabarti, ACS Nano 15, 2668 (2021).
Self-Assembly of Patchy Colloidal Rods into Photonic Crystals Robust to Stacking Faults
- A. B. Rao, J. Shaw, A. Neophytou, D. Morphew, F. Sciortino, R. L. Johnston and D. Chakrabarti, ACS Nano 14, 5348 (2020).
Leveraging Hierarchical Self-Assembly Pathways for Realizing Colloidal Photonic Crystals
- D. Morphew, J. Shaw, C. Avins and D. Chakrabarti, ACS Nano 12, 2355 (2018).
Programming Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Patchy Particles into Colloidal Crystals via Colloidal Molecules
- A. B. Rao, J. Shaw, A. Neophytou, D. Morphew, F. Sciortino, R. L. Johnston and D. Chakrabarti, ACS Nano 14, 5348 (2020).
- W. Flavell, A. Neophytou, A. Demetriadou, T. Albrecht and D. Chakrabarti, Adv. Mater. 35, 2211197 (2023).
- MSc by Research Studentships A number of research projects in the area of computational soft materials are available for the degree programme of MSc by Research, which involves undertaking a twelve-month (full time) research project leading to the submission of a thesis, followed by a viva examination, if necessary. The MSc by Research programme has no taught component. However, candidates will receive training in research-related skills such as scientific communications and public engagement, and may be able to attend masters courses taught as part of our standard integrated MSci degree programme to consolidate their training. Please contact Dr Chakrabarti at d.chakrabarti@bham.ac.uk with your expression of interest to discuss potential project(s) before submitting formal applications. General information on scholarships for international students is available here.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Eligible candidates, who are interested to explore the following funding opportunities for postdoctoral research fellowships with Dr Chakrabarti as the host, are encouraged to conatct well in advance.
- Undergraduate/Masters While UoB students are hosted for undergraduate/Masters research projects, visiting studenships could also be arranged.